On April 26, 2023, the World Intellectual Property (IP) Day, the second MPS IP Seminar was successfully held in Chengdu, Hangzhou and Taiwan. This seminar offered a unique opportunity for R&D Engineers and IP Engineers to discuss about the close relationship between IP and innovation.
Let’s start with a video (please download the video at the end of this page or copy the link below to open the folder on the cd-rw server).
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在成都,这是一场围绕“MPS创新挖掘与专利保护策略内部预评”这一主题展开的分享会。我们很荣幸地邀请到MPS集团公司副总裁兼设计工程部总负责人张正伟作为特邀嘉宾,发表激励研发、鼓励创新知产保护的感言,并为杰出的发明人们颁发奖杯和奖品。现场来自MPS成都公司6大核心研发工程部门的130多名工程师一起踏上MPS创新之旅,领略MPS全球专利布局,聆听来自Battery Management 产品线研发总监王锐、DC-DC产品线研发经理李磊(2022年度MPS成都“杰出发明人”)、晶圆代工研发资深经理李恒(MPS成都“杰出女性发明人”)的创新经验和专利故事,并热情参与互动讨论和有奖问答。整场分享会别具生面、气氛学术又不失活跃有趣,最终以工程师们充满收获的一张张笑脸和手捧有纪念意义定制小纪念品的画面圆满定格。
In Chegndu, it was a sharing session between 6 core R&D engineering departments and IP department on the theme of "MPS Invention Mining and Patent Protection Strategies Internal Pre-evaluation". We are greatly honored to have invited Zhengwei Zhang, VP and head of Design Engineering, as a special guest to give speeches on encouraging innovation and intellectual property protection, and grant awarding trophies to outstanding inventors. The sharing session took more than 130 engineers embarked on the MPS innovation journey, appreciated the global patent layout of MPS, listened to the innovation experience and patent stories from Sharp (Rui) Wang, design engineering director of Battery Management product line, Li Lei, design engineering manager of DC-DC product line (2022 MPS Chengdu "Outstanding Inventor"), and Amili (Heng) Li, Sr. manager of foundry R&D (MPS Chengdu "Outstanding Female Inventor"), and enthusiastically participated in interactive discussions and prize-winning quizzes. The whole sharing session was unique, with an academic yet lively and interesting atmosphere, and successfully frozen to an end with the pictures of the smiling faces of the engineers full of gains and holding commemorative custom souvenirs.
在杭州,这是场别具一格的技术交流与知识产权探讨活动。首先是简要的MPS 知识产权现状介绍。随后,MPS杭州公司总经理赵启明为表现突出的发明人们颁发了奖牌和奖品,并鼓励各位研发工程师在日常工作中多思考、勤观察、勇于挑战,争取和MPS一起在创新之路上大步前行。其后,MPS年轻美丽的女工程师戴慧纯分享了她鲜活的创新故事,深入的讲解、有趣的问答,让现场的听众时而眉头紧锁、时而恍然大悟,沉迷于欢笑与思索。最后,我们特意邀请到了来自杭州电子科技大学的杭丽君教授,分享她的最新研究成果——“双有源桥式DC/DC变换器的优化控制策略”。新颖的拓扑与控制策略、详尽的数学分析、完备的仿真验证、真实的应用波形,高密度的知识如海一般将大家深深地淹没,学海无涯,创新,也同样永无止境。
In Hangzhou, it was a special technical communication and IP discussion, which began with brief MPS IP introduction. Following that, Gavin (Qiming) Zhao, the general manager of MPS Hangzhou office, granted medals and prizes to outstanding inventors, and encouraged all R&D engineers to think more, observe diligently, and brave challenge in their daily work. Afterwards, Olics (Huichun) Dai, a young female engineer of MPS, shared her innovation story, with in-depth explanations and intriguing Q&As. Finally, we specially invited Professor Lijun Hang from Hangzhou Dianzi University to share her latest research achievement: "Optimized Control Strategy of Dual Active Bridge DC/DC Converter". A novel topology and improved control strategy was presented, with detailed mathematical analysis, thorough simulation verification and practical application waveforms. When there is no limit to learning, there is no boundary to innovation.
为了提倡知识产权保护的重要性以及鼓励发明创新,MPS IP部门在台湾举办了工作坊,邀请各工程部门一同庆祝发明人和工程师们的创新工作成果,并向各部门学习新知互相交流。在这次的工作坊中,我们回顾了过去一年MPS的整体发明状况,并邀请了台湾发明人介绍他们的工作成果以及研发内容,并对工作中发掘出新的发明创作的故事历程进行经验分享。此外,大家更讨论与交流了在工作中遇到的知识产权相关议题。台湾设计工程部总监李昱辉鼓励大家,MPS是一家积极开发新产品的公司,持续地投入研发最新技术才能让公司稳健成长。台湾应用工程部总监王珽弘也勉励大家多多在工作研究之余,尽量提出新的想法,与专利工程师讨论,或许能激发出意想不到的方案,在技术上也能有更深入的理解及进步。
MPS IP team is organizing the 2023 World IP Day Workshop at Taiwan to highlight the IP rights and encourage innovation and creativity. In this workshop, we celebrated inventors’ and creators’ work and learned something new from each department of MPS. We reviewed some of the MPS inventions generated in 2022, featuring TW inventors talking about their work and innovating stories. Furthermore, we engaged in discussions about intellectual property issues during daily work. Derek Lee, design engineering director of Automotive product line, stated that MPS cultivate creativity to provide innovative products to our customers. With continuing research and innovative technology processes, MPS will thrive on the new possibilities. On the other hand, Brian Wang, applications engineering director, also encouraged and challenged teams to collaborate with patent engineers and think outside the box to excel beyond their capabilities.