In 2000, WIPO’s member states designated April 26, the day on which the WIPO Convention came into force in 1970, as World Intellectual Property (“IP”) Day with the aim of increasing general understanding of IP. Since then, World IP Day has offered a unique opportunity each year to promote discussion of the role of IP in encouraging innovation and creativity and to reflect on the significant benefits the IP system provides to our economy.
为广泛增进人们对知识产权的认识,世界知识产权组织成员国于2000年将 4 月 26 日(即《世界知识产权组织公约》在1970 年生效的日子)指定为世界知识产权日。 从那时起,每年的世界知识产权日都在世界范围内提供了一个独特的机会,以促进人们讨论知识产权(“IP”)在鼓励创新和创造力方面的作用,并思考知识产权制度为经济带来的显著效益。
In response leading up to the World IP Day 2022 themed with IP and Youth: Innovating for a Better Future, MPS organized two special IP activities in Hangzhou and Chengdu on April 26, with around 200 R&D engineers from 7 engineering departments attended the events to discuss how to enhance the awareness of intellectual property protection and encourage young people to come up with innovative, dynamic and creative ideas.
In HZ, it was an IP seminar which began with brief MPS IP introduction and inventor recognition, followed by fresh experience shared by young engineer, and innovation stories from experienced outstanding inventors. Award-winning quizes and simple foods and drinks were also offered.
In CD, it was an IP training session regarding MPS IP protection, MPS IP incentive policy and IP support process. There were also some IP experience sharing from Package design engineer and Embedded design engineer. Inventor recognition and open Q&A with awards made the follow-up discussions more interesting and active. Small World IP Day souvenirs were also distributed to engineers attending the event.
在成都,这是一场关于MPS知识产权保护策略及现状、MPS 知识产权激励政策和知识产权支持流程的知识产权培训,同时还有来自封装设计工程师和嵌入式设计工程师的一些IP经验分享。发明人表彰和有奖问答使后续讨论更加有趣和活跃,活动最后还为到场的工程师们发放了有意义的小纪念品。